This guy is a rock star! He was recommended to me by my sister in law after Not liking the Delivery policy with Doctor Hemplishire. Dr. H hit it off with my husband talking shop while he investigated My cervix. He made me feel at ease and insures me he delivers everyone of his babies. Im originally from the east coast, your obgyn never delivers your baby, its who ever is on call at the hospital. I live over 45 mins with traffic from his office and he was worth it. I was high risk bc of the baby i was carrying has a medical condition, so when i had to go in for emergency delivery, he knew my desire to have a vaginal delivery was important my birth plan had to be tossed due to the situation at hand. But he delivered my baby with out complications that night, as well as 3 other babies. He was going room to room. It was amazing. The only down side was that when i was ready to get my tubes tied he talked me into an IUD. Im 30 i have 3 kids 5 years apart all with special needs.. i dont plan on any more.