| - I literally feel invisible at this place.
From the lack of eye contact, lack of smiles, lack of recognition, lack of communication, lack of returning phone calls, you name it, they lack it. Every time I'm here I feel like I'm a burden to the staff just by being there. Without divulging person information, I will say that the office staff, the nurses, and the doctors, do not have a checks and balances system in place to communicate with each other. I have had unnecessary blood drawn and unnecessary appointments, because of their lack of communication with each other. Not to mention my co-pays every time don't get reimbursed because of their mistakes. Thanks!
My experiences at Las Vegas Skin and Cancer Clinics has been consistent over the last 12 years and 5 dermatologist. So I'm not writing this review based off of one doctor, or even one visit. In fact, I've never written a review before because I kept giving them the benefit of the doubt over and over again.
I primarily write positive reviews because I'm an optimistic person and am trying to balance out all the pessimistic people who write bad reviews based off of silly things or solo experiences. But enough is enough. This "business plan" (if there even is one) needs restructuring, new management, something, anything!
All I'm asking is that "miscellaneous nurse" returns a phone call every now and again, and my doctor, who I've seen every month for the past 5 months doesn't ask me why I'm here today.