The place is nice. Just be warned ladies you'll be walking up the stairs to get into the entrance. So, you plan to get faded hard, think about holding on to the railing and a non drunken friend or worst case scenerio take off your heels (ewwwwwww) when you leave. Save your pretty face before you walk down that beautiful staircase. I don't know if there was an elevator, but that could be an option if there is one. Just saying.
I'm not a club person so clubbing in general for me is ok, not my cup of tea.
Everyone knows the party don't start till after midnight so all the good songs play then.
FYI if you get injured, security will come by and ask if you're OK and if you want any medical assistance. If you refuse assistance, they'll ask for your iD, take it for a few minutes and come back with a consent form for you sign refusing medical attention. Then take a while to come back and give you back your iD.
Be safe y'all!