I ordered via telephone. Ron was the person who took the order and made sure the bachelorette flowers came out great.
Doing business over the Internet works when you combine Yelp-ing for good reviews with your own investigations via telephone calling. If you answer the phone and provide service via text message... Odds are the flower order will be executed correctly. The updates were useful also because the flowers were going to the bell desk at Venentian so I needed to make sure the flowers got sent up to the correct room.
Bloomers Florist executed this. And I looked like a star for wedging in the #LarryChiang brand in front of a dozen hawt girls. Calling 702-734-1604 was quite a good maneuver for me. I hope it works out for you also. [Note: I called from my iPhone 650-283-8008 so that I could get texts iPhone to iPhone because a ton of people get flowers and I wanted to make triple sure they got to the correct Asian hottie]