On Dec 30th, 2016 at approx. 5:30pm, I brought my dog Luna (who had a history of violence) in to be euthanized. It was a horrible day before we arrived... and was made worse when Dr. Jessica Pederson refused to do the service because Luna was While her decision angered & saddened me, it's obvious she has a big heart and loves animals. Do I think she's probably a good person and Vet... yes. Am I destroyed inside and angry about the result of her unprofessional decision? Absolutely. Marty was the technician who was present with us as well.
On Jan 3rd, 2017, Luna had to be put down. The emptiness and sadness I'm experiencing are immeasurable. The repeated visuals & flashbacks of the event are just horrible. I promise you, the euthanasia environment that we asked for... and what Dr. Pederson denied us of... was 100 times better than what occurred yesterday morning. This could have all been prevented when we came into Val Vista Animal Hospital for our scheduled appointment if the euthanasia had been completed by Dr. Pederson. Both Luna and our family suffered MORE because of Dr. Pederson's decision.