As longs as you know the basics of visiting Ryan's, this place is awesome. Grab a cart at the front, check you purse/bag at the front, and know there is a $25 minimum.
The warehouse is fun to browse and you can spend hours up and down the aisles finding stuff you never thought you needed for you fur child. Yes, it's warm in there. They try to keep it cool with the fans, but in reality I wouldn't want to pay to air condition that place either. Even though the staff is busy stocking and fulfilling orders, I have never had a problem asking them to help point me in the right direction. Though, I do try my best to find things on my own, sometimes the aisles are not as logical as one might think. Overall, this place is a haven for pet supplies. I get my food delivered from Chewy, so the fact that they don't sell food is A-ok with me.