I have been taking the TTC ever since I could remember. I remember the days when bus fare used to be 50 cents. Oh my has the time flown by. Cash fare is now currently $3.00 per adult. Taking the TTC is not bad compared to a couple of years ago. TTC used to have way too many subway delays but has improved with the new subway trains which has inner linked trains to get to the area of the stop you need to get off, so you don't have to hop trains by exiting and re entering.
I find that the subway trains appear pretty often and have an average wait time of 4-5 minutes and generally get you to your destination rather quickly. The buses are not bad based on the bus that you are taking. Main intersections/routes tend to have a better turn up for buses. You have your occasional bus driver that is a dick, but then you have some that are pretty awesome. Then the rest are just there to get the job done.
Also there are times of the day where there can be some pretty messed up people on the TTC. These individuals are either drunk or crazy. Sometimes it can be really entertaining, other times you will be annoyed beyond belief, and sometimes you'll just be a little freaked out. Either way this is the only public transit in Toronto, so you may not have a choice but to take it. Welcome to the TTC!!
P.S. "Please stand clear of the doors, the doors are now closing"