I decided to go to this Dunkin' opposed to my local one because this location was nearby. I started off ordering a dozen donuts all different types. I then ordered my three drinks. Upon paying I get handed a large extremely hot drink and I kindly tell her it was supposed to be iced. The girl then nearly shouts "SEE you didn't say ice". I was appalled at the rudeness but carried on. She told me she could fix it. We got our drinks and continued waiting. Another person then came up to the window and asked us what we were waiting for and I told him the donuts. He then told me there were no donuts on my order. I told him there's no way I went through each flavor I wanted at the ordering screen. He then magically found them and I was on my way. I don't think they charged me for the donuts which is a plus, but I would've rather paid double then have had to deal with their customer service. Not to mention the drink changed to over ice had about two ice cubes and tasted horrific. So disappointing.