| - Feels like home, tastes like home, and heck, it even looks like home!
In fact, before it became this delicious, feels-like-family, Italian restaurant, this old Bridgeland Bungalow was in fact the owner, Marco's home. How do I know this? Well, after a meal at La Brezza I was sharing good conversation with what felt like old friends, not restaurant staff.
Once seated in the small and intimate dining room, we were greeted by a friendly man with one heck of a genuine smile who shook my hand earnestly and said "welcome home." That's exactly how I felt. All of a sudden I was eating a delicious home cooked meal with the Somalian Italian family I never had.
While I wolfed down some of the best freakin' calamari* of my life, I watched him buzzing attentively among the other tables making sure everyone was included, having a great time and treated like family. At a restaurant like La Brezza, you want attentive service mixed in with good amounts of private time. The line between too much and too little can be tightrope thin but the staff and owner walk it effortlessly.
*Back to that calamari! Where do I even begin? Seriously, I don't even know how to do this... Hey, foodies! Please go eat the La Brezza Calamari and write me a description because I am beyond words. I loved it.
As I was putting on my coat and exclaiming to one of the servers what a great experience I had, she said "With Marco, it's more like dinner AND a show." I couldn't agree more. What a great show it is.