This restaurant brings up some interesting philosophical questions for me. Should I stick to tradition, to comfort, to the classics, because I know they're delicious and never disappoint? Or should we all try to experience new exciting things - live on the edge of cultural and social mixing? How can one way be better than the other?
These are the thoughts that arise when I try to decide between the traditional falafel and the falafusion at Panthere Verte. Both sandwiches are SO DELICIOUS (just like the rest of the food here - I could survive for the rest of my life on the ChocoChipMonk cookies). This place isn't lying when it says it has the best falafels in town.
The atmosphere is casual, fun, and hip. There are plants! You feel at one with nature. You'll want to talk to the staff forever. And eat forever, of course.
Definitely give this place a try if you're in the area and prepared to fight thieves! Your friends will be so jealous of your pita, they'll try to steal it away.