This was my first time volunteering at the Las Vegas Rescue Mission serving dinner. I had seen my friends from Yelp do this consistently and I wanted to join some evening and help out, too.
If you read Tracy P.'s review, she states well what the Rescue Mission does. They provide a wonderful serving for the residents of the program and also in helping feed the homeless of which there are too many.
Seven of us were on the line last night and we were their for the second dinner service which is for residents and staff members. I was impressed by the politeness of the men and women coming through the line. Ty was next to me and he was dishing out ice cream. His question of, "Do you want ice cream?" was met in most cases by a pleasant, "Yes, please" and then a thank you.
This was something I noticed all night even with me handing out cans of soda. Pleasant people generally with a smile on their face and very thankful for the meal they received and for us. Many took the time to thank us for volunteering.
I know I will go back with this group whenever I can. Helping out as little as I did was important for the residents but in the end, it was more important for me.