Personally, I am insulted when someone visits Phoenix and asks me to take them to a Macayo's. The other reviews' analogies to Denny's and TGI Fridays are spot on. I would add Olive Garden to the list of good comparisons.
Would you go to Italy and ask your host to take you to a McDonalds?
I understand that the company apparently has a well-oiled marketing machine in place, since many out-of-towners seem to know about it the moment they get off the plane. If I was reviewing marketing departments I guess they'd get 5 stars. But I honestly can't think of a scenario where going out to eat at Macayo's would ever be worthwhile or necessary. Maybe, your car runs out of gas right at the intersection of Central and Clarendon and you have a disease that will kill you if you don't eat within the next 20 minutes? But then, Fez is right there. Oh, but the disease specifically requires you to eat Mexican food or you'll die? Fine. That's what Blue Burrito is for, but at lower prices and less time (not to mention less calories). So again, why dine at Macayo's?
If you do want to eat there, please, just avoid hurting my feelings and do it behind my back.