I had high hopes filling 2 of my Rxs here the other day, but after sitting on my rump for 20-25 minutes, some dorky Pharm Tech summons me to the counter for dialogue.
One of the Rx was partially out-of-stock. They were able to give me 15 pills on a Friday, and drive back the following Monday for the remaining 15. Okay. Pain in my ass a little but whatever.
The 2nd Rx pissed me off. He told me this one was "too early to fill". I completely agreed with him if one were to look at days on a calendar, but it was for a completely different dose (lower) and time to take dose. I was under the impression that this would trump the stupid wait period thing, as a CVS had once educated me on this. Well, not here. Okay, that's fine - do whatcha gotta do, Boo, but - couldn't you tell me all of this bad news like within 5 min or 10 min of my arrival?? Nice wasted lunch break!! Thank you!