| - I had high hopes of scoring a steal of a price on New Balance running shoes as I'm loyal to the brand.
Today I learned that size 9 in New Balance at this outlet is one of the most popular sizes, and alas, I was out of luck. The employee was nice enough to check out all of their New Balance availability to see if I could find a comparable shoe to my NB 1080s -- which, by the way, were present in store at very minimal sizes (some 5's, and 10s) for $80.
Considering the shoes retail for close to $200, that's a good discount.
The majority of the store's clothing is Running Room branded. The sales are final (understandably). The employee suggested calling back re: NB stock as they aren't aware of what they're getting in, delivery wise. However, deliveries are every day.
Definitely a good place to start if you are willing to do some digging to find quality running shoes. Other bands I saw were a wall of Nike's, some Asics, some Kona's, and a smattering of Saucony's on the back wall (for women).