| - This is what happens when EMPLOYEES don't care about the bottom line of the business and offer good service over their personal agenda.
I went in the store 2 days ago to look at bikes for me and 4 friends. Today, after speeding from Rockside Rd, in Valley View to their Willoughby location by 5:46pm to purchase at least 2 $600+ bikes, we were told upon walking in the door "We are about to close". My response, "you are about to close in 10 minutes, but we are about to buy some bikes." Within 3 minutes we located the bikes we wanted, and someone comes over and says again, "Sorry guys we are about to close" and my response, "I know, but we would like to buy these bikes". He said, ok I will be right back. Two minutes later, now it's 5:58pm, I assume the manager comes over and says, "sorry guys, but .........", so I stopped him right there and we proceeded to take our business around to Performance Bikes and spent $1,349.32 on 2 bikes and a bike seat.
I realize the EMPLOYEES there that day don't care less, but maybe the owner or somebody that cares will read this and teach their employees/team that if your business hours are 10 to 6, then you are open for business until 6pm. And in my world for the sale of a bike or 2, you are closed when that transaction is over!