Every time I call this school I always get someone in a rush to get me off the phone or someone who is rude. Don't bother going there if you don't know where your going because if you ask someone who works there, they will give you wrong information. I'm not sure if they really are stupid or playing a cruel trick. I had set an advising appointment due to I'm a transfer in student. I had no idea where i was supposed to go so i went the academic advising center (no brainer). No. I supposed to go somewhere else and the guy behind the counter directed me to go there. Mind you, its 110 degrees outside; I head in that direction. Something told me that he was wrong after walking and baking in the sun for about 7 min, the buildings looked more like dorms. I then ask a student where i might have to go and he directed me clear across campus. Now my appointment is now 10 min past due so I call the general number to get someone in advising in the liberal arts building. a woman answers and with an attitude directly transferred me somewhere else, no help. so after searching for the number to call on my phone in the hot ass sun, i told the guy that i am on campus but late due to i am lost. Without hesitation the academic advisor canceled the appointment saying I'm too late (its 15 min past due). You would think he would be kind enough to direct me where to go and at least see me since i was walking in the sun for 20 minutes. Very irritating. Please don't have ignorant people working for the school, its a bad representation of what type of people you have assisting others.