I've been going to Blue Star since they opened. I *hate* waiting in line for any place but I find I don't mind it here. They offer to get you a coffee or tea plus they bring refills to you on the street while you wait. That's a nice service touch and a welcome one when you're desperately needing that caffeine fix before your breakfast.
I've been trying a different menu item each time I've been and that hasn't been easy. Most times I recall what I've had before and want to return to those items to revisit them. Soon...
Portion sizes are generous, their philosophy of using as many locally produced ingredients is a good one. They even have an extensive selection of items that are gluten free and designated as such on the menu. That's not an issue for me, but I do have friends who have that sensitivity and it's really appreciated by them.
It's become my go to brunch place in the city. I've introduced many friends to it and everyone has since been back and enjoyed their follow up visits.