FRODO! One word- the one machine!
Came here on thanksgiving and this is one of the nicest, most luxurious hotels, probably my favorite!
I had so much fun coming here and playing the Lord of the Rings game with my boyfriend, his brother and family! The machine kept winning! So much 8 hours later we left at 6am!
I will say service is hit or miss though. We found the sweetest lady named Kathy who asked us all if we had player cards which we didn't and she took our ids while playing and came right back with cards! Awesome!
We did have a cocktail waitress, or a few. Some really were nice and efficient and as time went on the service really diminished. My boyfriend found a player card in a machine & went to return it only for a waitress to rudely say pretty much who cares "they can get a new one". Ruudddeee, (I think that one "magic" song when it comes to this, um "why you gotta be soo rudeee?").
Nonetheless this place gets a 5 from me, still Cuz it's just so beautiful. I've been to their Marquee nightclub too and I've had loads of fun!
This is a place to stop at in Vegas!