It used to be my favorite Mexican restaurant in Cleveland ! It used to stand out and taste much better then the other Mexican restaurants with the same numbered menus and bland taste. Sadly, the quality, taste, and execution has changed in a bad way.
I started going here about 11 years ago for a work party, and I have been going there since, on a fairly regular basis. My last four experiences have been very disappointing. The execution and taste were simply bad. The food is either cold or tastes bland, the fajitas are burned, the chicken is full of water , beans are dry and the lettuce is old.
Besides the food, service has been on a decline as well. I am from Europe and English is my third language. With that said, I have received the wrong dish numerous times simply because the waiter or waitress did not speak English !!!!! Please have employees speak English when they take food orders come mostly from English speaking customers.
I hope it turns around and the food gets to taste fresh again.