Gah, I am officially done with Craig St. sandwich places. Stopped in for a quick sandwich en route to school, and requested that my sandwich be made without cheese. Lady calls it out (correctly, without cheese), then the sandwich (which she made) proceeds to come through the toaster with cheese on it. The girl wrapping sandwiches points this out, and the lady ignores her. I ask her if she can take the cheese off of it, and she says that this one won't be mine and that they'll remake it (yay! or so I thought...). The lady making the sandwiches disagrees and tells her to just scrape it off. The girl obliges her, without making any eye contact with me, and I am told to pay for my sandwich without apology from anyone. At the point at which I'm paying $6 for a tiny sandwich, I expect some courtesy and straightforwardness along with it.