The idea behind this venue is fantastic. An opportunity for local bands and even some outsiders to play music to a small crowd is a great thing to have. I went to see Breckenwood and Time & Distance, along with a couple other bands. Everyone was great and the show was a blast. The issue came right at what I thought was the end of the night. The headliners just finished, so we were heading to the front door, when we were stopped by a guy who was clearly intoxicated and had been causing issues earlier. He told us we couldn't leave because there was another band playing. He proceeded to insult us in some very creative ways, but after a couple minutes, eventually let us out. Thanks buddy. He ended with a passionate farewell reminder to "eat a d*ick." All of this happened at the front door where I'm assuming an employee of some sort would have been standing. It was really hard to tell if anyone was actually working there beside the sound guy.
All that was the long way of saying that the kind of crowd they're cool with having in there and lack of concern for the enjoyment of customers really can make this place an unpleasant experience. Unless they change, I probably won't go back.