| - I'm about to bite the bullet and move, but I've got a white noise machine on order and I'm going to see if that helps my situation.
I've been living here for over 2 months. and for the last month I've had a problem with noise in front of my building. Even though I'm on the second floor, I'm woken up every night by the same people hanging out in front of one of the first floor rooms, talking loud, playing music, shooting dice, etc.
I've also got someone walking around above me with my ceiling creaking, closing drawers and moving furniture. Annoying, but tolerable compared to getting woken up several times every night.
The good part is the air conditioner in my room is so loud it drowns out a lot of the noise, but it cycles on and off so I get woken up when it's not running. Hence me trying a white noise machine as a last resort.
I've told the front desk which room downstairs is causing the problem, and they haven't done anything about it that I can tell. I call Security most nights and sometimes they come around, but the noise still continues after they leave. I also asked the front desk if I could change rooms, and they said it would be a $74 fee. If I'm going to go to the trouble of packing, moving, and then unpacking my stuff then it'll be to go to another place, not to pay $74 to continue to live at the same place.
Otherwise, if you plan to stay here expect to have to provide your own sheets and towels, you'll have no maid service or other hotel-like amenities, and you'll be surrounded by the kind of people who can't get an apartment. I've been told that some of these extended-stay places are used as halfway houses by ex-prisoners and druggies, and that would describe how a lot of the people who are in this building look and act.
Internet is free, but they change the password every month and the service isn't consistent. They have 3 HBO channels (sometimes only 2) but the shows don't seem to sync up with the HBO guide. I still haven't figured that one out.
Microwave and fridge get the job done. Shower pressure is good. The bathroom faucet drips and the one in the kitchen area leaks around the base so the counter area gets wet if you run the water very long. When she comes in to Vegas to visit me, my g/f tells me the room smells musty, but I can't smell so that doesn't really bother me, although I do spray it down with air freshener. I haven't used the oven or stove so I don't know whether they work or how well. I have seen roaches (dead and alive).
The only good part is the price, but like everything else, you get what you pay for.