| - You should know about Le Lab, if you like anything at all.
The building is a bit anonymous, located at the corner of Rachel and De Lanaudière. My friends and I stumbled in some time ago, without prior knowledge of the bar, because going to bed at 1:00 AM on a Wednesday is for conformists, apparently.
First time patrons will most likely be impressed by the tasteful decoration and ergonomic planning of the bar. The tables, high and not one of them wobbly, are dispersed to provide ample elbow room. Behind the bar proper, customers are invited to look at a truly staggering array of liquors and spirits, most of them SAQ rarities or straight up discoveries.
This is all good and well, but it's only a preview of Le Lab's true strength: its endless supply of original mixed drinks. The bar's menu is updated every six months with a new batch of creations, and none of them taste like anything you've ever had.
This might be a bit much for more casual drinkers, and the staff (Labtenders!) is always more than happy to guide your choice according to your preferences and drinking history. Want a drink that bites back? Here's a Margarita Enchilada, a tequila and tabasco potion so strong it almost fights your mouth. Would you prefer something sweet enough to pass for dessert in most restaurants? Here's the Sortilège, with enough maple and orange flavours to make its whiskey base a mere afterthought. There is truly something for everyone, as much as dislike clichés.
In spite of all this alcoholic exuberance, you will find no drunks at Le Lab. Drinks start at 10$ each... during Happy Hour. Most cocktails will cost you around 13-15$ dollars, depending on tips. This strongly curbs the drunkard scale in favor of social sippers and foodies looking to taste something new. This price range, however, makes it a poor choice for a regular hangout.
Still, if blowing your entire booze budget on two drinks is turn-off, I invite you to muscle through an evening of relative sobriety to experience the Lab firsthand. There's no such thing as a fast order there; Labtenders WILL take the time to flair the crap out of your drink. The showmanship is the best I've seen in the city and when you see the entire bar set on fire to light up five shooters, you will want to buy something expensive from these people, and tip them well.
In conclusion, even if the establishment tends to be somewhat exclusive because of the price of admission, you would do well to stop by at the first opportunity and treat yourself to one of the most serious, original and entertaining evenings in Montreal. Le Lab is right for you, whoever you are.