Whoever coined the phrase "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds" certainly didn't have the modern day post office in mind.
For the last 3 business days there has been no mail to anyone on my entire street! Give me a break please! This is tax season and many of us are awaiting those dreaded 1099s not to mention W-2s.
So I went over there to find out what was wrong. The clerk who waited on me told me she had no idea but if I would leave my name address and phone number someone would get back to me. I was also told to leave the street name where our service had temporarily disappeared.
I received no callback as I figured but later on I did find some mail in my box. Some of these letters were at least 3 days old. Granted, I gave some leeway to the blizzard however, that does not explain why on perfectly normal travel days why no one on my street would have not received mail.
I am now in the process of trying to change whatever billing I can to online statements. Although some institutions will not permit me to do this they did say that I may make payment online for a minimal fee.