| - Was here on mothers day (5.13.12) with my family. I am from California & so naturally I have a California ID. I don't carry my passport with me, since I fear I would lose it. Anyway, I tried to order a drink at the bar, and was rejected. Wasn't given a reason, just was told that they weren't going to accept it.(Pissed of point #1) As my family and I sat down to have dinner, a waitress, took our order. She abruptly comes back and says that she saw me take a sip from my cousins drink.(pissed off point # 2). Didn't even touch the damn drink, & she comes up and demands my ID. I have nothin to hide, do I give it to her. Comes back half a minute later, and says and I quote,"This is a fake ID. If I see you take another sip, I will take all alcoholic drinks away." (pissed off point #3) trying so hard to keep my cool, I ask to speak to her manager, and he
Promptly shows up. I ask for a reason as to why they say my ID was fake and was told, and I quote,"I'm not sure. I haven't seen an ID like this." IF YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN A US ID, what gives you the right to say its fake? Who the hell are you to say that? I understand that they have a right to refuse someone, but I'm asking for a valid reason why they rejected my Id. They tell me they're "not sure". What the fuck is that. NEVER coming back to this place. Not a friendly place to come to. I feel discriminated and disrespected by everyone in that restaurant. The managers, waiter and waitresses all need to learn respect. So disappointing.