Its good pizza when your in the mood for new york pizza, for example streets of new york pizza tastes NOTHING like new york pizza! They should honestly give it up and just sell wings and pasta because thats all they have going but we are talking about Rays so im gonna stop plugging Streets. Anyway the pizza is good for quick and tasty new york pizza this being said the "soup nazi" that runs it scares the living daylights out of me and makes me uncomfortable limiting my trips. I thought i would avoid his creepyness by ordering take out but he denied me to go parmesan and red pepper packets then proceeded to stack the pieces on top of each other which was lovely, so basically if the customer services was at least par they would get 4 stars from me :) Btw this has happened several times other employees will give me packets and stack the pizza correctly just not the mean guy so they are all "good people!"