My mother has been coming here for three years, but after her most recent experience will never be returning.
She was three minutes late to an appointment but because there was someone waiting in line in front of her, by the time she saw the receptionist she was ten minutes late. The cold and rude receptionist told her she would have to reschedule because she was late. THERE WAS NO ONE ELSE IN THE WAITING ROOM.
My mother basically BEGGED to see the doctor snd was coldly turned away. She left the office flustered and on the verge of tears, without rescheduling because she was so upset after traveling so far to go there and being turned away.
NO ONE HAS CALLED HER. She's on several medications and suddenly stops seeing her doctor and no one even calls to reschedule of see if she'd okay? Is the doctor not concerned that she might just suddenly go off her medication?
My mother has seen other patients turned away for just being a few minutes late. A young girl with her WHOLE family there for support who must have been going through something difficult to have the support of her whole family with her. They turned her away even after her parents mentioned that they had to request off work for the appointment. So cold, and so wrong.
I am DISGUSTED by the way this office treats people. I would not recommend this place to anyone.