Hate to say it, but a total suckfest.
First, the service is suuuuuper.... slow. Honestly, they should name a superhero after this service.... like Reverse Flash, or StopTime. Don't get me wrong, the service is very nice, just.... s.....l...o....w.......................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
The artichoke dip is a confusing cheese melt, and tasted like something a failed pizza chef experimented on with his pet guinea pig and sidekick hamster.
The curly fries came out like dried... um.... potato jerky. Waaaay below par.
The burgers were mediocre at best, complimented by crappy onion rings.
In fact, the best thing we had was a grilled cheese in burger buns.
Avoid this place like a bad-breathed date with poor hygiene....
.... but I suppose it works if you're completely wasted and don't know any better.