Bowmont is both beautiful, good for pups, and also home to some pretty rad mountain biking. Home to the famous Sideshow Bob trail and a few others, Bowmont has some XC and Freerider friendly two-wheeler terrain that's enjoyable for a variety of skill levels.
Sideshow Bob, aptly named because the entire trail cuts across the side of a very steep hill, is a bunch of fun in both the East and West directions. Narrow single track with steep downhill sections followed by short steep uphill sections allow you to keep your speed up through the down hill and make it to the top of the next uphill with minimal climbing. This turns the whole things into a bicycle roller coaster ride. A roller coaster that you're in charge of, with a steep drop-off covered in thistles on one side. The trail is not too challenging for and beginner/intermediate rider, but the narrow trail and steep drop offs make for some exciting consequence if you were to lose control. This keeps the trail fun as you progress in your abilities.