| - Not for the faint of heart! Either go when they first open, or during the week, otherwise Saturday/Sunday it's a zoo. It's a small place and everyone needs a cart for the deals they have so it becomes congested quickly. I bring my husband as a cart watcher and I'm the sprinter to get the goodies. The produce lasts about a week. Sometimes you do have to pick through the bruised/turning ones to find good ones, but at $1 for 6 orange bell peppers, the time is worth it! My advice: Don't shove, but find your spot and then don't move to find exactly what produce you want to get the best ones. If you overbuy (which I've done in the past) freeze them for smoothies. You CANNOT go wrong with this market. We go almost weekly and the only reocurring problems I have are that the peaches/nectarines are nearly always brown inside, the broccoli is slightly wilted and my raspberries seem to spoil within a day. BUT, how long should produce truly last in your fridge? 3 weeks? One week--10 days, tops! Go here, go early, and you won't be disappointed. I fill my cart for 10 days for a family of four for $25. What would that get me, even at Fry's or Walmart? Next to nothing!