I wanted so much to have a good experience, or more importantly, for my son to. My son has been crazy about Piff the Magic Dragon since he saw him on AGT. The second he saw that he was in Vegas, he begged to see the show. We acquiesced. We paid for 3 tickets, me my husband and my 13 year old son. We went to the show 45 minutes early and waited in line. The seating is not stadium. They fit as many seats as humanly possible into this very small theatre. You are packed like sardines. My son was unable to see the stage, and was in tears as he basically could only hear the show. We could barely see.The show was just ok, but again, we weren't the ones that spent our vacation looking forward to seeing Piff. On the positive side, he did take pictures with the audience, so my son has that. It just was a shame that he didn't get to see the show, and it feels like it was money wasted.