If someone decided to run a cafeteria out of their garage, it would be exactly like Gordo's. That is all you really need to know, so feel free to stop reading here.
I was very excited and hoping for a local treasure of a mexican food place just a couple blocks from home. I REALLY wanted to like this place! What a disappointment. I ordered steak fajita taco salad to go. No, I did NOT do that in the drive through since it is clearly marked CALL AHEAD drive through. As I waited (a reasonable amount of time) for my food, I glanced at what people at the very few tables inside were eating. Everything I saw looked soupy and slushy and pastel colored - all anemic shades of cafeteria food with no eye appeal at all.
My food smelled great but when I got home and dug in, the steak was barely chewable and tasted old, vaguely reminiscent of liver. No idea why they called it salad - there was the slightest sprinkle of shredded lettuce in the bottom of the taco shell bowl, literally a spoon or so of mushy tasteless rice and about the same amount of whole pinto beans that I swear came right out of a cafeteria 5# can. The whole thing was like hospital food at best. Geez, if I can't even get lettuce in a dish labelled salad, then I know the Mayans were right - the world IS coming to an end. Sadly, I am pretty sure that is true at least for Gordo's.