I'm not sure what was really going on that night, but everybody seemed to have been brainwashed into thinking that 2-Short and Snoop Dogg were coming. I never saw them.
Rain is like a giant pricey TJ club.
Luckily, the Palms is one of my clients, so I get VIP access.
And *shocker* there was a bachelor party renting out one of the sky boxes, and another shocker, they invited us to their par-tay.
Free booze and champagne, sure we will hang out till we are all good and drunk and then we will head too Moon.......
Or we will carry Courtney out of the club when she passes out on a scary Compton native.
All and all, it was cool, I think I used the bathroom, but I don't even remember.
Props to the manager for getting my drunk ass friend and I to the front of the cab line.