hands down the best teppanyaki you can have in toronto! A-MAZINGGGG. I've been here a bunch of times and every single time it is just superior. Their salad dressing is the best japanese salad dressing i have ever had in my life. I have considered asking them if I can buy it because I know they make it in house.
The veggies that come with the teppanyaki is not standard at all. You get a variety of green and red peppers, zucchini, onions, button and another type of mushroom.
My fav things to get here -Their beef ribs are actually to die for. The sauce it's marinated in is spectacular! The black cod OMFG grilled to absolute perfection and melts in your mouth with buttery goodness. I always want more. Finally the filet mignon is SO good. Tender, always cooked just right and legit also melts in your mouth. You will NOT find a better teppanyaki place than this in the city, guaranteed.