I came to this store today to buy 5 coffees and requested that the reward card be swiped 5 times. I was told, impolitely, that this is unfair to others as there is a line up. And that I should line up again - multiple times.
I've been a Starbucks patron since my college days. I have averaged about $750 a year for my coffee alone- about $15 a week.That's what I pay for without my friends coming with me - more if I meet up with friends. But I only started using the reward card when it was introduced last year and bought the coffee card that goes with my car key. With reward system, I thought, It's about time to get free coffees out of thousands of dollars I've spent on them. Just free coffee.
Now my question is...has the quality of service at Starbucks deteriorated?
With many shops that offer the same coffee experience, namely Aroma, Second Cup, Urban Cafe and hotel lounges... I don't know why should I continue to patronize this store. I have $60 left on my card so I am not sure now whether I should cancel my auto reload.