| - Three cheers to Yelp for helping me find where in the Valley to go for real beef jerky! The fresh stuff which has more beef than chemicals. (The convenience store packages just were not doing it for me!) After checking out the website, I emailed good friends in Las Vegas (who used to live in Minnesota), asking if they were familiar with Von Hanson's. (They have 21 locations in Minnesota - and ONE in Chandler.)
My roommate and I went on July 2. They were running a special for NY strips - buy one, get one free - so that was added to the plan in addition to the jerky.SCORE! We picked up a half pound each of the peppered jerky and the cajun spicy. $18/lb. The NY strips were (if memory serves...) $14.99/lb, and the steaks were averaging a little over 3/4 lb - so super yay for the BOGO sale - it brought the meat down to regular grocery prices. I have to say - the quality of the meat is amazing! Just looking at the cuts in the display case, I can declare Von Hanson's makes AJ's look like Fry's! These were GORGEOUS! Quite possibly the prettiest steaks I've ever seen!I also grabbed a couple pigs ears for my dog, and the roommate picked up a package of her favorite kind of sausage (linguisa).
Admittedly, I am not a sausage expert. Plus, I live very close to Schreiner's - so while I would have no problem buying sausage from Von Hanson's, I wouldn't make the hike to Chandler just for those. The selection was quite impressive, though!
Overall - this place has everything for carnivorial happiness! (Hey - if you understood the context, it's a word, right?) Great selection of beef, chicken and pork products. Tons of spices, sauces, rubs and marinades. Nice selection of unique beer and wines. Fridge and freezer cases with more meats, sides, and desserts! Yes, it's pricey - but the quality is certainly there to justify it.
Once home, we grilled up the steaks using our favorite rub. OMG amazing meat! Probably the best steak I've had in YEARS - and NY strip isn't even my cut of choice!
The peppered beef jerky is full of YUM - and this is so strange to write - but the Cajun is a bit spicy for my taste. (And I adore spicy!) It's amazingly good, and addictive - but almost requires a cold beer to go along with it to help cut the heat.
The Vegas via Minnesota friends emailed back Monday - they know Von Hanson's quite well - and are grateful there isn't one in Vegas - it would KILL the weekly grocery budget with how often they'd be in! They love, love, LOVE the place - and I am now under strict orders to bring them care packages from here whenever I come up to visit!
Oh - and Layla (my pooch) was pretty stoked about the pig ears - so in addition to my five stars, please add two paws up! (I didn't tell her they have a whole dog food and treat section - I am on a budget, after all!)