This ER is horrible cuz there's probably only one or two doctor. They took blood work over 3 hours ago but we are still waiting for a dam doc to see me. The nurse said it usually take up to 2 hours to get blood result back, it's back longer than an hour but this SHIT HOLE don't have enough doctors. I would never ever come to this ER ever again, it's a shit show.
So after 4 hours waiting since blood drawl, we got a damn doc assistant telling us basically they are not sure what's going on, we need to more test next week. It's been almost 6 hours what we got is "we can't be sure what caused it, u can go see your own doctor or come back a few days do more tests" WTF. Now this damn assistant is eating lunch and we are back on the chair sitting and waiting again. Fuck this shit hole!!!