Ok this is the 3rd time now - Why do I go Back. - Today I just needed air in my Lexus RX330 & ended up doing a cheap car wash since there is rain in the fore cast. I am the only one that drives my car - Nobody drives it but me. Every time I go get it from the last part - I have to get rags & Re Wipe Everything - EVERYTHING. It really redicolous - They use to have AmaXYNG people that knew how to take care of your car - Last 3 times No Way. Literally you have to wipe the doors - etc .... they never put the floor covering back right . My bag was thrown around today & to know after I re wiped everything with their rag - I gave them a tip (I use tip Really Great like 5 to 10) no no more. I preceed to turn my car on & the key to my car was broken in half - the part of a key was stuck in my ignitions - Sean (a surpervisor) called another supervisore (who was Tyler) They both said it was like that.. Will come on I am not going to drive my car in like that. They are Nuts - so I need to really put energy out there now. I said a few F words to them - I don't swear - But today I did.
To be it my husbad back in November had his brand little Kia Forte oil changed & the next day the Hose Blew up ... He had to be towed off the freeway - Just Saying What A Coinsendent ....???? I am DONE WITH THAT PLACE... Not being Rude ...But people get it together...They Simply Don't Care....:(