| - This place is worth your time, money, and attention. Not only do they offer quality food but on top of that quality service. I have tried 6 of their sandwhiches so far and never regretted a purchase. They give you chips or salad with your sandwhich and you are free to add on more for an upcharge. They're breakfast burritos are also incredible for the price value. They sold me a PORK BELLY breakfast burrito for only $7.49 when any, ANY other place that has a decent burrito would go right for the $10.99 price. They also make a DAMN good Pico De Galio, their PARTY TOTS are a STEAL for the value and also iIf its anything, they sell you a beer for $1.00 (it may be Coors but seriously, $1 for a beer? Good fucking luck getting something cheaper in the area, let me tell you, all of the bars in the area does NOT have a beer that cheap for sale and if you say so then you better link up some pictures.). Lets not forget the live music they have on occasion, the super friendly staff, and welcoming atmosphere. To top it ALL OFF they donate every sandwich sold to charity, gee, can't feel guilty spending my money now :) Thanks Even Stevens, now when I go other restaurants in the area I feel like I am cheating on you.