Looking for vintage or brand name clothing and don't mind used or slightly worn? You should stop by this place and check it out. They have everything from Gucci to Alexander McQueen, so it's worth coming in just to browse or sell.
Great place to sell your brand name clothing, purses, wallets, shoes, hats, etc. I found this place on Google when I wanted to sell my clothes (I was spring cleaning). I recently brought my purses there and received a low but fair price for two out of ten purses I brought in. They are very picky with everything including shoes and clothes. They have two options: cash or trade, and it's up to you when you get to the cashier which way you want to go. I ended up trading today for a Coach wallet to match my brand new purse. The first time I came in I traded for a slightly used Coach bag, too, only paying 10 bucks out of pocket and I traded 4 blouses for it.
I'll probably continue doing business with them when it's time to clean the closet. Instead of donating most of it, I can make some cash back even if it's a small amount. Try it out--you never know how much you can make from cleaning your closet!