| - Compared to Home Town or whatever buffet, it is actually pretty decent, for the price you pay, I wouldn't mind coming back, but them lines be long, so you are going to have to be patence. The lines resemble a theme park line as you wait and then begin to zig zag around till you reach the cashier, if you want a drink, you have to grab a cup, fill it up and then proceed to the cashier. Soda or tea is about $2.00, and I think dinner was around $15. After you pay, you tell the lady how many people are in your party, they direct you over to your table, and then you begin to gather your food like the hungry animal that you are.
They have a variety of items, the steak is grilled in front of you and you tell the chef how you like it, medium rare actually came out medium rare, which was pretty good for a bland steak. They have hot wings that are pretty good, but the garlic hot wings tasted exactly like the regular hot wings, not sure if the chefs just dumped it in and hoped people thought they were different. The pot roast and meatloaf weren't bad, they actually have murals showing you their cooking process. Fried chicken was semi dry, but it was cruncy. Chicken noodle soup was good, but barely any chicken, and they never refilled the clam chowder.
Not much else to say about this place, I don't think I ate any vegetables cause they looked old, and seemed like they were sitting there for awhile.