aaaaalright.... I am going to have the unpopular opinion here and say that Pinkberry only gets an 'OKAY' in my book.
My family gets froyo often (our 4 year old loves the stuff) and when we tried Pinkberry, we were a little underwhelmed. It may just be me, but the prices seem higher than it's competitors. Also, i like being able to control the portion of the toppings I want. Mainly because I want an embarrassing amount of fruity pebbles on my tart yogurt and I'm not sure I'm too comfortable with a complete stranger knowing that. Yes, their froyo is delicious, but I just don't see myself driving aaaaallll the way over there just to get it. The competitors froyo hasn't let us down and honestly, I don't think my four year old cares about the hype. He likes being able to pull down the lever and choose whatever crazy topping combos he wants. I guess at least we can say that we have tried the famed Pinkberry....