| - With any kind of coupon site, you should prepare to loose some and some you win. But the loosing some things happened to be a big fat loss through dealchicken.... Physician Laser Centers, a company that offered 6 sessions of hair removal and a Velashape for $99. Of course this deal just one tiny area of hair removal, so add ons were charged to get full benefits of this "advanced technology". My loss totaled, $700 for a Brazilian and legs, several long round trips for scheduled appointments, poor technique, and not one bit of result. All my hair has grown back! I was told I was a good candidate for this hair removal (light skin, dark hair), so it is very disappointing when my time and money is already scarce. The reason for contacting dealchicken about this bad deal....I didn't even get to finish my pre-purchased hair removal sessions or use the velashape. Dealchicken, which was made aware of the situation 7 months ago, has done nothing nor is replying to my emails requesting an update on the status of a well deserved $99 refund. I'm sorry for the owner getting cancer, but they shouldn't have been using faulty equipment and at least deal chicken has to make good on their sold vouchers.