I actually worked at this location in high school. It's even where I met my husband (we worked there together). We went back over the weekend to see Ides of March (which is great by the way) and were so disappointed to see what it has become. First of all it says a lot that it was completely dead on a Saturday night.
I couldn't believe they'd closed off the entire east wing of the theater as well as the concession stand over in the west wing. Granted they're not regularly open, it just looks tacky to have a fake wall and some game machines in front of it. I came for a movie not a trip to the arcade. There has clearly been a change in management since our last visit and since we worked there because this is not a theater worth heading to anymore. Cold popcorn, service so bad that I had to remind them to get or soda, and charge my card and return it to me. How about we don't take my card unless we're going to charge it and hand it to me? No sitting on the counter while you figure out how to grab a soda and popcorn.