I was looking for a great deli in my area, and saw that there were rave reviews about Cheese and Crackers. On this rainy day adventure, I decided to give it a shot. It's a quaint little deli in an outdoor shopping center. Upon entering there's a good selection of boars head meat products, cheese and pops. There's also- you may have guessed, a great variety of crackers. The chocolates were very beautiful and I was highly tempted to devour a selection, yet I was looking for specific deli items that included pasta dishes. I noticed that Cheese and Crackers has a wide range of deli meats and cheese, but not many pasta dishes. After deciding on what to buy I waited at the register with a lady that had been waiting since I arrived at the shop, five minutes later we were both still waiting. I'm not sure what happened, but at this point I made the decision to go elsewhere. Yet I did receive samples of their kalamata olives and some beef meats which were great. I'd love to come back and buy those items as well, but on another occasion; which is why I gave Cheese and Crackers only three stars.