By far our favorite spot for Pho and it's just down the street! It's not much different than Central King Eggroll as far as the food goes...there's a few slight differences in their eggrolls and their meat is slightly thicker than Central King's. Get yourself a P7 (rare beef). I had some issues with gallstones this last summer before having my gallbladder removed, so I was munching on their P14 (chicken) for awhile and it was just as tasty. You basically can't go wrong with anything on their menu.
But I can tell you...the actual restaurant and the service is loads better! We usually have the same waitress and she is someone that always deserves that 20% tip! Try out their homemade lemonade...they had squeeze it and add a bit of soda water to it so there's a slight fizz to it. Yum yum!
Each table also has a little button you can press when they are super slammed, but we have seriously never ever had a problem with service here unlike at Central King. Don't forget either...there is a back room here so if it looks too crowded in the front, don't walk out!
I can literally eat Pho here once a week and still be totally fine!