The office staff here need training in customer service. They are rude and unprofessional. I will no longer be seen here, but my husband likes Dr. Schlaak, so he continues to fight with the office staff. The latest BS happened today when he went to get a refill on a medication at the pharmacy. When he had the necessary blood work 3 months ago, the office called in a refill for 3 months. He called and asked why it wasn't authorized for longer (like 6 months or a year), and was reassured that all he had to do was have the pharmacy call the office when he needed it refilled in 3 months. The refill request from the pharmacy was denied today by the office. This is not a narcotic medication, it is for his thyroid. This type of thing happens on a regular basis. I advise anyone to think twice before deciding to go to this place for any type of medical care.