Do your own research on the problem before you think of calling this business. Then do yourself a favor and call at 702-934-4384 or email them at, instead. The tech at 5 volt walked me through some troubleshooting over email and then gave me their assessment and recommended a place that could help since they could not. The common problem with my LG tv is that the solder degrades and needs to be replaced or redone on the chipset. When I contacted Video Audio Specialist I asked if they could do comment level work. I then had to explain to the receptionist what it was. She said that her tech could do the work. So I took the TV in and paid the $50 troubleshooting fee. They then told me it needed a whole new main board and that they could not locate on any longer since the TV has been discontinued. I ask them to go ahead and re-solder the chipset even if it didn't fix the issue I would pay for the work. A couple days later they told me the tech was not able to do this kind of work. I then contacted 5 volt and got the same information over email for free. Don't waste you time with Video Audio Specialist.