never going back.
server was RUDE and had attitude. bill came up to be $~35. we put down $40 and she came by and asked 'do you want change' and we said yes. and she replies with 'oh you want change when your bill is 35?!'
1. we can pay however much tips we want, there was only 3 of us vs. 5, where they auto. calculate tip into your bill
2. her service SUCKED, disappeared for 45 mins at a time and never saw her again till she came back asking if we wanted the bill
3. i am not tipping you $5 for CRAPPY service and the fact that you are going to give us attitude b/c we choose to tip you less, annoys me. how rude. its the customer's choice on how much they want to tip you esp when you are being a bad server. (i ALWAYS tip, but i tip less if your service sucked and tip more if you did a good job; i'm very reasonable)
either way, never going back after that 1 experience. atmosphere was kind of bleh. we were intially going to go horseshoe tavern down the street but came here b/c there were no seats. next time, i rather just stand there then come here. i guess, theres a reason as to why its packed there and half empty at this bar.