This place is an absolutel disgrace. Came from St. Louis, MO to see my first NBA basketball as a fan of Lebron since he entered the league. Decided to try this place as it was nearby the stadium. The bartender (didn't catch her name but she looked like a mix between Pink and Avril Lavine) was incredibly rude. She asked for my ID and after examining for less than 5 seconds, proceeded to tell me it was fake. Keep in mind that I have a Missouri ID and I am 26 years old. Rather than asking me for a second form or trying to handle the situation like a professional, she proceeded to completely bend my ID in half claiming that it was fake. I presented her with 7 forms of identification. 4 credit cards, my ID, my fishing license with my birthday on it and my University of Missouri Student ID with my picture on it. She proceeded to laugh in my face and tell me it all wasn't real (while continuing to bend my ID in half). Only when I told her I had to fly back to St. Louis today and NEEDED my ID did she realize this wasn't a big joke. I also threatened to have the cops come to get her to hand me my ID as she continued to hold it hostage. After much back and forth, she finally handed me my ID back, looked me in the eyes and said "We don't need/want your business anyways."
My jaw about dropped to the floor. Not only was I ridiculed and embarrassed for trying to give the establishment business, but I was also told that they didn't even want my business. Seems like a very "consumer friendly" place. I will be calling the manager at 11am sharp today to politely request that he gives me the funds for a new ID. I feel as if it is the least they can do.
I will attempt to attach the ID picture for those that like visual evidence...